Day 6: The Beauty of Creation

Romans 1:20, “For his invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being understood through what He has made. As a result, people are without excuse.”

The tension ratchets up where the rumble of cars, the vroom of leaf blowers, the whir and whine of sirens crack the silence, and offer a constant backdrop of commotion. Nature offers a refuge, a place where shoulders drop, and the tight places in neck and back unwind. Our heart settles, our breathing deepens, and calm settles in. We hear the chirp of the sparrow, the caw of the crow, and feel the crunch of dried leaves and pebbles underfoot. The aroma of coming rain, newly cut grass, and freshly picked rosemary and sage tickle our noses. A gentle breeze caresses our faces as it rustles the leaves, dancing in the sunlight, of nearby oaks and cedar elms. The cares of the day drift away.

God chose to layer His creation with intricate beauty and profound complexity which delights our senses and stimulates our mind. Job 26:13 tells us that by God’s breath the heavens gained their beauty. Cre- ation reveals not only His authority and superior strength, but also openly makes known what we cannot perceive with physical sight. The change of seasons and sunlight fading into darkness day after day, tells us He is a God of order and constancy. His love shows in the care a mama cow gives her calf. Gran- ite mountains and pounding ocean waves reveal His strength. Spring’s new buds and blooms demon- strate God’s investment in new life. The sun and the force of a storm affirm His grace and power. If God fashions flowers and insects with tiny but elaborate parts, He cares for the details of lives as well. When He colors the sunrises and sunsets with smudges of gold-tinged orange and pinks, or streaks the skies with colorful rainbows, we know He delights in beauty.

Creation points to the hand and mind of God himself. The evidence of His existence is found all around us in a world of intentional and logical design, a world crafted by divine wisdom and heavenly creativi- ty. We recognize with our eyes and comprehend with our brain, and glimpse the divine mind behind the order of the heavens, Earth, and its inhabitants. Random acts or natural causes did not usher these into existence. We are responsible for how we respond, for how we interpret God’s clues and signs. We receive Him because of the evidence before us or we reject the proof and turn our backs on God. The choice is ours.

Consider creation as evidence of God and enjoy the beauty, but never blur the lines between the cre- ation and the Creator, the Lord God Almighty.

How does God reveal who He is to you through the beauty of His creation?

Beautiful God, forgive me for not recognizing Your creative touch all around me, and for not acknowl- edging how Your creation reflects your divine character. May I never substitute Your gifts of beauty for true worship of You. Amen.


Day 7: The Truth of Morality


Day 5: YOLO!