Day 7: The Truth of Morality

Romans 1:21-22, 25, “For though they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God or show gratitude. Instead, their thinking became worthless, and their senseless hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served what has been created instead of the Creator, who is praised forever. Amen.”

Two-year-olds want what they want when they want it. They make their demands loud and clear. Waiting their turn or for the right time seems foreign and unreasonable in their little minds. Eating the cracker now makes sense. But in a short time they could enjoy a spread of chicken nuggets, fresh strawberries, macaroni and cheese, juice box, and cookie. With their bellies full, they miss out on their favorite meal, the true meal, because they settled for less.

The people God created, His own people and object of His love, lived in darkness where godly morals didn’t exist. They refused the truth of God, and chose wrong over right, bad over good. In so doing, they rejected the clear evidence of His existence revealed through creation. God designed the world with intentional purpose in both form and function.

They chose the lesser things of life, godlessness and wickedness, growing comfortable in the darkness. The light of God’s truth seemed intrusive, like a spotlight highlighting cracks in the walls, stains on the carpet, or crumbs on the kitchen counter. Staying in darkness, living the lie, somehow seemed easier, more natural, and a better way to live, but it’s where mold, mildew, and scorpions flourish. And where lies grow, and truth and morality weaken and die. God sent His Son Jesus, the Living Truth, to show the way, but they denied Him and chose to trust themselves and suppress God’s truth.

Like them, we may shove aside God’s kindness and goodness, and remake Him into something that seems comfortable and meets our limited understanding. We refuse to acknowledge Him and put our- selves, celebrities, sports, finance, politics, anything other than God himself, in His rightful place. By believing the lies of the world, we miss God’s glory, power, and truth.

The evidence showing the difference between truth and lies, the moral and immoral is clear. The Old Testament law revealed God’s will; creation revealed God’s character. We either choose God’s truth or the world’s lies. Both choices come with consequences, and are reflected in our morals. By latching onto the world’s lies, we choose worthless thinking and senseless hearts. When we receive God, we enter into a new and moral life, becoming new creations in Christ.

Lies trap us, steal life, destroy our soul, and yank us into immoral living. God’s truth guides us out of spiritual darkness. We live the truth by choosing Jesus and worshiping Him, the only One worthy of our worship and praise.

Will you choose God’s truth, and how will you show it to an immoral world, living in lies and denying his existence?

Glorious and Wise Creator, forgive me for settling for the lesser things of life, the lies that rob Your glory. Let me choose to live Your truth every day with gratitude, for You are the clear way, the absolute truth, and the everlasting life. Amen.


Day 8: The Compassion of Christ


Day 6: The Beauty of Creation