Day 5: YOLO!

1 Thessalonians 5:2-3, 5-6, “For you yourselves know very well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night. When they say, ‘peace and security’, then sudden destruction will come upon them... For you are children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or the darkness. So then, let us not sleep, like the rest, but let us stay awake and be self-controlled.”

In 2011 American rapper Drake popularied a somewhat known phrase “YOLO” in a song that glories in youth, fame, sexual exploits, and money. The song is about having a motto, a phrase to describe what to build one’s life on, and the phrase is You Only Live Once.

Recognize the Message

YOLO carries the message that the life right in front of you is all there is. Simply, live how you want because this is the only life you have. Because you might only have about 80 years on the earth, it’s okay to act a lit- tle foolish. It’s okay to let loose, to let your hair down, and to have a little fun. So take the risk, do something a little crazy, a little out there. Don’t worry about the consequences, just do what you want. After all, YOLO.

Offer Discernment (affirm the good and reject the bad)

What YOLO gets right is that life here on Earth is short. God’s Word tells us that our days are numbered, and that our lives are but like a vapor that appears for just a little while and vanishes (Psalm 90:12, James 4:14).

Yet, we know that this life is not all there is. Jesus makes it clear that there is existence after death, either with God in eternity, or without God at all. The Bible calls this Heaven and Hell. So it is not true that you only live once. In fact, Jesus tells us that everything you build your life on in this life determines your life in the next (John 14:6). YOLO says build your life on money, fame, sexual expression, or whatever else is to your liking. Jesus says build your life on Him (Matthew 7:24-27).

Argue for a Healthier Approach

We were made not for a short 80 years. We were made to live forever. God has put eternity in our heart (Ec- clesiastes 3:11). If what we do in this life determines our future, then we must heed 1 Thessalonians 5. There will be a day when we will give an account to the Lord for how we have lived. If we claim Christ, it means that we are to live self-controlled, dignified lives that shine the light of Christ in a dark world.

This is the opposite of YOLO living. YOLO living says do what you want now. Christ living says live in light of the knowledge that Jesus will return. We are to live as children of the light because this world is not all there is. We were made for a better one. So let’s live like it.

Reinforce through Prayer

Father, You know that we are made for the eternal. Help us live life according to this future reality. May we build our life on Christ. Keep us from trying to build our life on anything less. May we, by our works and words, convince others that Jesus is worth building one’s life on. Help us show others that the way of Christ leads to eternity with God. Let the reality of a godless eternity for those who don’t trust in Jesus give us so- briety and help us reach our neighbors. Amen.


Day 6: The Beauty of Creation


Day 4: Family First