Day 4: Family First

Luke 14:26, “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters— yes, and even his own life— he cannot be my disciple.”

As followers of Jesus, we put a big emphasis on the importance of family. Children need healthy par- ents, and those parents need healthy grandparents to raise up the next generation to know and love Christ. Family is important, but is it supposed to be first in one’s life? Let’s use the ROAR method of discernment to help us.

Recognize the Message

The message Family First simply means that one’s life completely revolves around their kids, grandkids, sisters, brothers, mothers and fathers. It means these relationships are the most important and valuable. There is nothing that beats it. There is nothing that suprasses the value of family.

Offer Discernment (affirm the good and reject the bad)

Does God value family? You bet! Family was God’s idea. He started the first family through the creation of Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:24). He wanted them to multiply and fill the earth (Genesis 1:28). Just re- cently the earth has reached 8 billion people! This has happened because of God’s purpose and plan for the family.

But in Luke 14, Jesus, the Son of God, bluntly tells the large crowd around Him that if you are going to have Him and His Kingdom, it means your family cannot be first. Jesus, the King, the Boss, demands 1st place in one’s life. He is more important, more valuable than family. What a claim! You would either have to be a crazy person to say such a thing, or you must be God in the flesh.

Argue for a Healthier Approach

If we follow Jesus, it means at times following Him might put Him at odds with the interests of our fam- ily. Jesus must always take precedence, He must always be first. He is worthy of being put before our family. After all, He is the King of Kings.

Practically that means we will face choices. Will I take my son to church or let him participate in the Sunday baseball tournament? Will I allow my kids to travel to dangerous countries to share the Gospel if God calls them? I must obey Jesus over family. I’ve heard about teenagers having to decide on their dad’s ultimatums: it’s either this family or Jesus. “If you choose Jesus, you will no longer have a relation- ship with me,” says the dad. And with an excruciating cost, they give up their family to obey Christ. This is the way we are to view Jesus—as supremely valuable.

Reinforce through Prayer

Jesus, as complicated and difficult as family is, thank You for the family You have given us. I pray You help us love our family well. Yet, in all this, help us put You first before our family. You are the only person worth giving everything up for. No one else died on a cross to forgive us of our sin; not even our family could do that. May we put You first, Jesus. At great cost, help us obey You. Amen.


Day 5: YOLO!


Day 3: You Do You