Day 9: The Destiny of God’s Children

Romans 1:21a, 23-24, ”For though they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God...They exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man, birds, four-footed animals, and reptiles. Therefore God delivered them over in the desires of their hearts to sexual impurity, so that their bodies were degraded among themselves.”

Fall is a magical time when a crispness enters the air, football games are in full swing, and the State Fair begins its three-week run. A State Fair outing requires thought and planning. How do I buy tick- ets? What time of day offers smaller crowds and less traffic? Where’re the best parking spots? It makes no sense to park and stay in the car, playing video games, listening to music, or thumbing cell phones. First-timers don’t realize just beyond their view sits a world filled with interesting exhibits and heart-pounding rides, glitzy shows and toe-tapping music, and lots of corny dogs with the latest fried food treats.

People stay in a place that seems comfortable and reasonable, substituting both created and man- made things for God. They deny Him as creator, refuse to show Him gratitude, choose vain thoughts, revel in an inner life of darkness, view their own insights as the only valid wisdom, deny God’s glory, and label His creation an accident of universal or natural forces. Their choices push them out from under God’s protection and bring them to a place of degrading impurity.

But God’s genuine light comes into the world. No mindset, intelligence, emotion, political view, reason, book, opinion, tweet, or force can stop the irresistible authority and power of God bringing light to all.

Our choices reveal our destiny. In God’s destiny, the light of Jesus shines on everyone in the world, revealing those born of God and those rejecting God. We spend eternity in the light of His love or in the realms of deepest darkness. Those who believe and receive God’s truth are born of God by spiritu- al birth, not by natural birth. Their destiny is eternal life designed by God, not by accident or random acts. But if we become so immersed in the world of our making, we fail to recognize God. We deny Him by choosing the lesser things over Him. Our denials become false truth, and worship turns to self in a universe built on an error-filled and close-minded vision of what God and the world are. How does this or that make me feel? Why am I not getting enough ‘likes’ and ‘retweets’? Who can I promote myself to in person or online? What will push others to view me as their greatest influencer?

God allows us to make choices, but they come with consequences. When we leave a self-created world and choose God’s way, we enter His thrilling world of eternal light. When we reject God, our destination is a dark world of impurity and depravity for eternity.

Are you exchanging God’s glory for man-made fluff? How will you spend eternity?

Immortal God, forgive me when I neglect and deny You. Let me glorify You and take comfort in the des- tiny You’ve designed for those who receive You; eternal life and light with You. Amen.


Day 10: The Wonder of God


Day 8: The Compassion of Christ