What is ParentJourney?
No adventure in life is like the trip parents take with their children! It's a tough task and we believe our church is called to help parents grow into the job. Over the past 15 months, we've gathered some of the best parenting experts in Kaufman County to help you along the way.
A community of like-minded parents
A kid-free space to consider your parenting
A deeper understanding of our modern age that our kids must navigate
Strong parenting foundations with support from teachers, administrators, & licensed counselors
Greater confidence in your own parenting
Additional techniques, skills, and learnings you need to make the most of your parenting
A community of like-minded parents • A kid-free space to consider your parenting • A deeper understanding of our modern age that our kids must navigate • Strong parenting foundations with support from teachers, administrators, & licensed counselors • Greater confidence in your own parenting • Additional techniques, skills, and learnings you need to make the most of your parenting •
Why ParentJourney?
There are three facets to The ParentJourney, and we hope you will take advantage of each.
Milestones: On seven significant days in the life of your child, we will celebrate your child’s progress and pause for an hour to look at the challenges ahead.
On the day that you dedicate your baby, we will pass along some big ideas about the first 100 or so weeks in your child’s life.
In August of his/her third year, on the Sunday before your child makes the big jump into our preschool ministry, we will have some big ideas for the preschool years.
This pattern will continue on 1st Grade Bible Day, and a few years later when your child becomes a preteen. We will have some wisdom to pass along when it’s time for junior high, and then again right before high school.
Finally, we’ve put together some valuable things to tell you about preparing your daughter or son for the jump into the real world after graduation.
Stepping Stones: These are short, three-week classes that will be held on Wednesday nights. They are for you and other parents who have kids about the same age as yours. Taught by the community experts who wrote our curriculum, these classes will go into more depth on the big topics we introduced on your child’s last Milestone. We will offer you three Stepping Stone classes between each Milestone.
Parenting Summits: In the fall of each year, we will host a parenting summit called “Navigate.” For these events, we invite an expert from outside of our community to help us tackle one especially significant challenge facing our kids.
Growth as a parent happens one step at a time and often “just in time.” The Parent Journey is our intentional effort to help you be the best parent you can be in every phase of your child’s life!
Milestone 1
0-3 Years
Sunday, September 22nd
Milestone 6
9th Graders
Milestone 7
10th - 12th Grade Parents
Milestone 5
8th Graders
Milestone 3
1st Graders
Sunday, August 25th
Milestone 4
4th Graders
Sunday, October 6th
Stepping Stones
Parents of 1st - 3rd Graders
Parents of Preschoolers
Parents of Junior Highers
Parents of 9th & 10th Graders
Parents of Preteens
Parents of Newborns
Parents of 11th & 12th Graders