Day 2: Love is Love
1 John 4:8b, “God is love.”
The sexual revolution in America began in the 1960s, but one of its key milestone markers came in the wake of the supreme court decision to legalize same-sex marriage in 2015. One of the biggest banner phrases attached to it was Love is Love. What does this phrase mean and how should Christians re- spond? Let’s use the ROAR method.
Recognize the Message
Proponents of Love is Love believe that people have the right to love whomever they want in whatever way they want. The love spoken of is all about sexual attraction, desire, and identity. It is connected to how you feel romantically toward any person, whether they are the same sex or a different sex or howev- er one identifies themselves.
Offer Discernment (affirm the good and reject the bad)
We can affirm that it is a God-given desire to love and to be loved. When God created everything in the beginning He called it all good. However, the only thing He said that was not good was for Adam to be alone (Genesis 2:18). Humans are meant to give and receive love.
However, in our rebellion against God we have all (us included) distorted God’s vision of sex. Romans 1 makes clear that our rejection of God has given us over to all kinds of horrible paths when it comes to sex. We are guilty of heterosexual relations outside of marriage, pornography, polyamory, polygamy and much more. This also includes same-sex relationships (Romans 1:24-27).
It is these things that Love is Love is all about. Love is Love proponents have to admit that their view of sex comes without boundaries. It includes saying yes to 45 year old men who “feel love” for 11 year-old girls. This only communicates how empty the phrase is. It has no boundaries on sex, even though almost everyone agrees that there should be some (see #metoomovement).
Argue for a Healthier Approach
“Love is love” has promised so much, but it has let everyone down who has said yes to it. And if one says that it hasn’t, it eventually will. This revolution has attempted to liberate people but has instead hurt, degraded, and even abused people. It will not provide the fulfillment anyone seeks.
When it comes to sexual love, God makes it clear that there is only one true way to satisfaction and blessing. Sexual love is so powerful and binding that it is sacred. It is to be expressed between one man and one woman who have committed themselves to each other before God and the community in mar- riage (Matthew 19:5, 1 Cor. 7:2-5). It is this narrow, Jesus way, where one actually experiences fulfillment.
Reinforce through Prayer
Father, You are love itself. In Your love You sent Your Son to commit Himself to us even though we rebelled against You. May we show the world who You are and that Your way is the best way when it comes to the sacredness of sex that You created. Keep us from self-righteousness, yet help us lovingly tell the truth to a hurting world. In Jesus’ name, Amen.