February 17: “Truth is a Person” by Johnna Warden
John 14:6, “Jesus told him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’”
John 1:14; John 1:17
History has been building to the coming of Jesus Christ. He is the One who will crush the head of the serpent. He is our Redeemer King born of a woman and not of natural descent, but of God. Jesus is the Messiah prophesied about by the prophets of the Old Testament. There has never been another. He is all that God promised to Adam and Eve in Genesis three.
The Gospels all tell the Good News of Jesus’ miraculous coming, His life and ministry, His tragic death, and victorious resurrection. We are not told much about the childhood of Jesus in Scripture, but what we are told is that as He grew, He grew in grace, wisdom, and favor with God. Jesus is the incarnation of God, The Word made flesh, fully God and fully man in one person forever. In Jesus, the deity and hu- manity coincide because the divine Son has taken upon Himself human nature in order that He would become our salvation.
Jesus boldly states He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Jesus IS truth. Just as He is Love, He is Truth. It is not what He does, it is who He is. He cannot be anything but the truth. As God in the flesh, only Jesus can truthfully declare Himself to be truth. We are currently living in what is defined as a postmod- ern culture. A culture that fights against anything or anyone who claims there is an absolute truth. Our culture these days is teaching there is no such thing as, “the truth.” All truth is subjective, and my truth can be my truth, but it does not have to be true for anyone else. The thought may sound unconfronta- tional and liberating, but as we have seen when there is no absolute truth, no absolute right or wrong, society becomes extremely dangerous and chaotic and, in the end, hopeless because it holds no mean- ing. But that is what makes the Good News so good.
You will not come into the Kingdom of God by any other truth or way. Jesus is the truth.
Where is it that you are gleaning wisdom and truth? Jesus is the only source of truth to which you can cling.
Precious Father, thank You for never giving up on Your creation. Thank You that You have provided a way back to right relationship with You through Your Son Jesus. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Until Jesus comes again to deal Satan the final blow, we will trust in You and Your word. Amen.